Convolvulaceae Pollen Atlas

[under construction!]


Pollen characters provide taxonomically valuable information that has long been used in classification of this plant family. Indeed, many keys require knowledge of the pollen surface features and apertures to arrive at a genus name.

Yet, despite their importance for taxonomy, pollen characters are unevenly reported. Images are scattered throughout the published literature and we suspect there is a large cache of pollen images sitting in research files that will never formally be published. Taxon sampling has been sporadic, with widespread, common species having been sampled many times while much of the rest of the family is still palynologically unknown.


To address these problems in information availability and access, we offer this web-based pollen atlas. The site provides a collaborative platform for sharing pollen information about Convolvulaceae. Begun by three researchers with long term interests in the systematics, taxonomy, and evolution of the family, we hope to involve others. Those who might find pollen information useful include palynologists, palaeobotanists, climatologists, apiculturists, agricultural extension agents, students, systematists, and soil scientists, among others.


Photographs here initially are from the files of the organizers. We hope others will come forward and share their images. For information on how to contribute, click Submitting images.


Our goal in creating this web site is to bring together a comprehensive atlas of pollen images for the entire family. This atlas will assemble a large block of previously unavailable data for comparative purposes. The data will  also identify gaps, and there are sure to be many, where there is no pollen information available. This atlas allows two principal objectives to be met -- (1) to enable broad survey and comparative study of pollen across the family; and (2) to outline the agenda for further work to fill the gaps in knowledge.

Pollen Images

Aniseia, Argyreia, Astripomoea, Blinkworthia, Bonamia, Calycobolus, Calystegia, Cardiochlamys, Cladostigma, Convolvulus, Cordisepalum, Cressa, Cuscuta, Decalobanthus, Dichondra, Dicranostyles, Dinetus, Dipteropeltis, Duperreya, Erycibe, Evolvulus, Falkia, Hewittia, Hildebrandtia, Humbertia, Hyalocystis, Ipomoea, Iseia, Itzaea, Jacquemontia, Lepistemon, Lepistemonopsis, Lysiostyles, Maripa, Merremia, Metaporana, Nephrophyllum, Neuropeltis, Neuropeltopsis, Odonellia, Operculina, Paralepistemon, Petrogenia, Polymeria, Porana, Poranopsis, Rapona, Remirema, Rivea, Seddera, Stictocardia, Stylisma, Tetralocularia, Tridynamia, Turbina, Wilsonia, Xenostegia

Other Resources  

Partners in the Convolvulaceae Pollen Atlas website:

George W. Staples The Herbarium (SING), Singapore Botanic Garden, Cluny Road, Singapore 259569
Mark Carine Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum (BM). Cromwell Road, London SW7 5B, United Kingdom
Daniel F. Austin Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and Herbarium (ARIZ), University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona http://ag.arizona .edu/PLS/faculty/austin.htm
Other collaborators

For comments, corrections, or queries about these webpages, contact Dan Austin (

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